Conserving the Environment via films

Conserving the Environment via films

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Aquatic Resources of Kenya (ARK II) Conference at Naivasha

by David Harper;
I have just attended the Aquatic Resources of Kenya (ARK II) Conference at Naivasha. Organised by Kenya Marine & Fisheries Organisation (KMFRI) at the Wildlife Training Institute. It was a well attended conference, about 200 people but most of them Kenyan with just a smattering of those from East Africa and further afield. Many of the presentations were on topics that CBCF has made films - aquaculture, marine conservation, mangroves and of course, Naivasha.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Community-based Biodiversity Conservation Films   

Welcome To CBCF Blog

This is an upcoming solid community of young conservationists and scientists in East Africa that are passionate about environmental conservation and its sustainability, who are using films and filmmaking as a key tool of communicating emerging environmental concerns as well as disseminating solutions and or developments from the numerous research work going on currently in and around the region to the local host communities where this research is been carried out. We love what we do. All this for the sake of the present and future generations.